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Bartending Schools in Atlanta, Georgia
Bartending School Atlanta
Atlanta, Georgia
2359 Windy Hill Road, Suite 330
Marietta, GA 30067
(404) 705-7070
here for MapQuest link.

8 AM - 10 PM
7 Days a Week

ABC Bartending Schools
in the Atlanta, Georgia is located on Windy Hill Road, Marietta.
Here are some reasons to consider ABC for professional bartending training.
ABC has over 30 years of experience with 34 schools from South Beach, Florida to Honolulu, Hawaii.
You can rest assured that we have the knowledge, experience, staff, and equipment to train you...
And once that's completed... we have job placement personnel to assist you in finding the job that's right for you.
The staff members that answer your questions will also be your instructors.
This allows us to offer you that personal service and relationship. Which is so hard to find in today's market place.
Our professional staff makes sure you get the right combination of classroom and "hands on training."
Feel confident as our staff provides individual attention to each student from enrollment to graduation.
Our job placement office is in constant daily contact with all types of establishments in Atlanta and throughout Georgia.
Additionally, graduates of ABC are entitled to nationwide job placement and refresher courses.
Our classrooms are fully equipped with ice machines, soda guns, an updated bottle inventory, glassware, blenders, video support, and a bar that allows us to provide you the most up-to-date training.
Our training program is 40 hours in length. We offer 1 week all day classes, 2 week morning classes, and a 2 1/2 week night class.
Weekend classes can be arranged as well. This flexible class scheduling allows you to choose the program that's right for you.
Upon completion, you'll feel confident and prepared to work as a bartender.
Our classrooms are available and open for you to come in and practice anytime to hone your skills and reaffirm your confidence.
Call 1-888-COCKTAIL or E-Mail us today at
ABCBARTENDINGATL@BELLSOUTH.NET for the information you need to begin your career as a professional bartender. Tuition is affordable. The most amazing part of this career choice is that unlike most schools of higher education... You can pay off your tuition investment with in a few weeks of graduation!
Thank you for visiting our web site! Contact us anytime to tour our school.
Staff of ABC bartending schools
If you are 18 years of age or older,
you could be in this picture, training in just 40 hours to become a professional mixologist. |

CEO Tony Sylvester |

Typical Classroom Setup |

Perfect Class Sizes |

Graduation Day |
Convenient Class Schedules
Main Campus
1 Week Accelerated |
Mon. - Fri.
9:30 - 5:30
2 Weeks Day |
Mon. - Fri.
9:30 AM - 1:30 PM |
2 1/2 Weeks Nights |
Mon. - Thurs.
6:00 - 10:00 |
Weekend Classes Are Available |
Job Placement Assistance,
Too! |
Tony Sylvester has been placing bartenders
nationally since 1977 and brings to his schools the art of matching the right
face for the right place. Take a look at the Placement List for your area and
the nationwide chains that have hired our students. |
Examples of Job Placements in Atlanta |
Establishment |
Location |
Sweetwater Bar and Grill |
Duluth |
Club Insomnia |
College Park |
Ketel One Lounge |
Airport |
Marriott Marquis |
Atlanta |
Wild Bills |
Duluth |
Featherstone |
Canton |
The Derby |
Roswell |
Gold Bar Restaurant |
Underground |
Dolce |
Atlantic Station |
Fox Sports Bar & Grill |
Atlantic Station |
Garrison's Restaurant |
Atlanta |
Dreams Nite Club
Midtown |
Atlanta Country Club |
Alpharetta |
Olive Garden |
Dunwoody |
Ruby Tuesday |
Roswell |
Hyatt Hotel |
Atlanta |
Barnsley Gardens Resort
Adairsville |
The Mansion Elan |
Atlanta |
Gizmo's Sports Bar |
Fairbum |
Cowboys |
Kennesaw |
Echalon 3000 |
Stone Mountain |
Club 428 |
Atlanta |
Longhorns |
Acworth |
Please take a moment to give us some information so that
we can get back to you and tell you more about our school. To speak to
us immediately call us at 1-888-262-5824 |